My summer art show
I’m so excited to share my work with you!
Over the past year, I have been involved with a project called “52 Weeks: Sketchpad and Shutter.” It was a friendly, rather relentless challenge a photographer and I took on, in which we produced a finished picture each week for an entire year—she with her lens and I with my fist full of pencils and paints.
Of course being involved in an all-out project like this creates a lot of energy and out of this has come many paintings, studies for my larger works at Artwalk 2011 as well as painstaking pen and ink drawings.
Join me on this outpouring of the past 52 Weeks—through winter mornings curled up with my sketchpad and tea, springtime adventures in puddles and rain, and sun-saturated summer holidays spent in the Rocky Mountains.
You’re invited to see the whole collection this summer at Artwalk! I’ll be selling my work right in front of Marble Slab Creamery, and I look forward to meeting you!EDMONTON’S WHYTE AVENUE
JULY 15-17, 2011
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