
This latest installation comes after a treasured trip to catch up with friends. Our gloriously relaxing day finished with a visit to the family farm. Feeling a little ridiculous, I asked if I might take a few pictures [caption: City Tourist Visits Real Farmyard for First Time], but knowing that I'm an oddball-artist-type, they graciously hung around while I snapped picture after picture. 
The evening was still, and the cattle clustered together in the glowing late sun. Everything was dappled in shapes and shadows.
When I got back to my easel, I tried to capture the warmth and peace of that night.
It being a long, narrow canvas, I encountered several unexpected challenges in painting three "points of interest" in such a long line--keeping the eye moving through the whole painting while at the same time creating a feeling of unity and oneness through such a wide angle was a new dilemma for me and I enjoyed tackling it!
With these dimensions, this would make great piece to hang above a sofa or dining room sideboard.

30" x 15" acrylic on canvas


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